Burn gay flag day

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He said in recent years, members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities have seen the lifting of many barriers that prevented them from living open and honest lives.

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Members especially leaned on each other for support Wednesday, a day after surprising election results, according to Scott Fearing, executive director of the Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley. The flag burning happened at a time when many are wondering what a Donald Trump presidency will mean for the LGBT community. I thought I lived in a very accepting area of Rochester and I just couldn’t believe that this happened in the downtown region,” Ventura said. Ventura, who lives at the house with a roommate, called the incident a “targeted hate crime.” “There were heated temperaments due to the election happening so I did make the tie later on that possibly the election was the reason,” said Ventura. He said it’s clear someone was making a statement.

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on Election Day, when Greg Ventura returned home from dinner. The burned rainbow flag was found just after 5:00 p.m. Police are investigating the burning of a gay pride flag, after a resident in the North Winton Village area discovered its charred remains on his front porch.

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